Browning Fn 7.65 Serial Number

Browning Fn 7.65 Serial Number Rating: 4,3/5 8041votes
Browning Fn 7.65

  We would need to know the model number and other specifications to possibly answer your question. King Arthur Movie Watch Online 2017. As with any firearm, it is not possible to accurately appraise a gun wi thout seeing it. Recommend that you see a local gun dealer for an appraisal.     You can also do your own investigation by looking at other models being sold that are in the same condition as yours.

Browning Fn 7.65 Serial Number

Try the or a periodical called 'The Gun List'   You can also reference the Blue Book of Gun Values which can be purchased on line at various retailers.

Dating an FN Browning. Curios and Relics The Firing Line Forums. Vanderlinden does not give precise serial number/year ranges for this model. 9×17mm Browning 7.65×17mm Browning. The FN Model 1910 was a departure for Browning. An FN M1910, serial number 19074. Browning 32 Auto Serial Numbers.